The Rising Toll of Construction Fatalities: Legal Recourse for Families

The construction industry is crucial to our nation’s growth, yet it faces an increasingly dark reality—an alarming rise in worker fatalities. Recent data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics paints a stark picture of the dangers faced by construction workers across the nation. Over the past decade, the number of fatal injuries in the construction sector increased by a staggering 39.8%. This data serves as a sobering reminder of the risks inherent in one of America’s most vital industries.

Breaking Down the Numbers

The latest complete report reveals that in 2022 alone, there were 1,092 fatal injuries in the construction industry alone. This represents a 7.6% increase from the previous year, a trend that has industry experts and safety advocates deeply concerned. When we dig deeper into these numbers, some alarming patterns emerge:

  1. Falls Remain the Leading Cause: Falls accounted for a whopping 36.4% of all fatal injuries in construction. This statistic underscores the critical need for the implementation of updated fall protection measures on job sites.
  2. Struck-by Incidents: Being struck by an object or equipment resulted in 8.2% of fatal injuries, emphasizing the importance of proper training and awareness on job sites.
  3. Age Factors: Workers aged 55 and older had the highest fatality rate, 1.6 times higher than those aged 35-54. This suggests a need for age-specific safety measures and training programs.

The Weight of Preventability and Potential for Wrongful Death Claims

The most harrowing aspect of these fatalities is their preventability. This realization serves as a powerful call to action—not only for enhancing safety measures but also for ensuring proper legal recourse for families of those lost to construction site accidents. Many of these cases may constitute wrongful death situations, where negligence or unsafe conditions led to the loss of life.

Legal Recourse: The SHK Law Approach to Wrongful Death Cases

At SHK Law, we understand the devastating impact of construction site fatalities on families. Our approach to wrongful death cases combines expertise, empathy, and unwavering dedication.

“After enduring a life-changing loss on the job, don’t accept the false narrative that ‘these things happen’ in construction sites. Your loved one always deserves a safe work environment. We will never dismiss your pain, and we’ll tirelessly prepare to win a settlement that fairly compensates you for your devastating loss.”  –Adam J. Savin, Managing Partner at SHK Law

The SHK Law’s unique approach to construction site injury accident cases:

  1. Immediate Mobilization: “We’re on the scene immediately, securing pivotal evidence and eyewitness testimonies oftentimes before the defense can. We demand that all evidence is preserved, and that the scene is maintained until we can conclude our investigation.”
  2. Expert Collaboration: “We call in experts who know exactly what to look for, and together, we closely inspect the construction site before the company has time to cover up hazards or make drastic changes. In short, we don’t wait around for OSHA to investigate when we have the resources to do it ourselves—and we do it more thoroughly.”
  3. Comprehensive Investigation: “We work closely with the experts to understand the violations that caused or contributed to the fatal incident, and we build a strong case around these theories. We subpoena records and take depositions of essential witnesses who help piece together the full picture.”
  4. Unyielding Commitment: “When a fatal accident occurs on a construction site, there is almost always a reason, like violations or corners cut. We will work relentlessly to get to the bottom of it and prove your case.”
  5. Strategic Advantage: “As a trial firm, we hold all the cards as trial draws near. We have done the hard preparation work. Our experts are fully prepared and ready to testify—we are more than trial-ready. This gives us the upper hand and leverage to obtain the maximum value, even prior to trial.”

We support families through the wrongful death legal process with comprehensive case assessment, clear communication, emotional support, financial guidance, and a commitment to honoring the victim’s legacy.

Construction accidents are complex, involving intricate regulations, multiple liable parties, and potentially life-changing consequences. Specialized legal expertise is essential in these cases to ensure a fair outcome.

If you have been injured or lost a loved one in a construction accident, don’t delay – your rights and compensation may be at stake.

Why SHK Law?

  • 99%  Success Rate 
  • Over $350 million secured for clients
  • No upfront costs: Free consultation, contingency-based fees

Want to know if you have a case? Contact us for a free case evaluation today. Let our experienced legal team advocate for you and your family.

Act now: time is critical in wrongful death cases. 

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