SHK Law Partners Share Insights on $18.79 Million Slip-and-Fall Verdict on "Settlement Nation Podcast"

We are excited to announce that SHK Law partners Adam Savin, Brian Kim, and Maureen Hennessey were recently featured on the popular “Settlement Nation Podcast,” where they discussed their groundbreaking $18.79 million jury verdict in a slip-and-fall case against McDonald’s.

In this engaging episode, Adam, Brian, and Maureen share their journey as trial lawyers and provide valuable insights into their recent success. Key topics discussed include:

  • The details of the McDonald’s slip-and-fall case and the challenges they overcame
  • Their unique approach to calculating damages, which led to the substantial verdict
  • Strategies for connecting with jurors and presenting a compelling case
  • The importance of authenticity and staying true to oneself in the courtroom
  • Advice for young lawyers entering the field of trial law
  • The role of mentorship and continuous learning in developing as a trial lawyer

Throughout the conversation, our partners emphasize the significance of building strong relationships with clients and the power of storytelling in the courtroom. As Brian notes, “It’s all about what people don’t see and it’s about the reps and all the things that go on behind the scenes.”

The episode also showcases the camaraderie and teamwork that defines SHK Law’s approach to litigation. As Adam explains, “We look at the three of us right now as a really good dynamic, a really good kind of trio team to tackle these cases.”

At SHK Law, we are committed to fighting for justice on behalf of our clients and pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the courtroom. Our partners’ appearance on the “Settlement Nation Podcast” exemplifies our firm’s dedication to excellence and our willingness to share our knowledge with the broader legal community.

To listen to the full episode and learn more about the strategies behind this remarkable $18.79 million slip-and-fall verdict, visit the “Settlement Nation Podcast” on Spotify and search for this episode, or just click here.

If you have a case that requires the expertise of a team of skilled and passionate trial lawyers, contact SHK Law today for a free consultation. We are here to fight for you and help you achieve the justice you deserve.