Granada Hills High School Shooting Raises Serious Legal Concerns

“As a Granada Hills High School alumnus, this incident hits close to home. Our educational institutions bear a crucial responsibility to safeguard students and the community,” states Adam Savin, founding partner of SHK Law.

A recent shooting incident near Granada Hills Charter High School has ignited a firestorm of legal questions, highlighting potential negligence and liability issues surrounding safety at school events.

On Thursday evening, violence erupted following a high school football game, culminating in the shooting of a 17-year-old boy. The incident, which took place near a Ralphs grocery store adjacent to the school, began with a fight that tragically escalated into gunfire. This alarming event has cast a spotlight on the adequacy of security measures at school-related functions and the broader obligations of educational institutions in ensuring public safety.

Adam Savin, founding partner of SHK Law and a Granada Hills High School graduate, voiced his profound concern: “This incident strikes a personal chord. Our schools must prioritize the protection and well-being of students and the surrounding community.”

SHK Law has identified several legal implications that could arise from this incident, including potential negligence claims against the school for inadequate security measures, premises liability issues, failure to de-escalate a volatile situation, and the overarching duty of care California law mandates for educational institutions. The firm anticipates severe criminal charges, such as assault with a deadly weapon or attempted murder, should an arrest be made.

Drawing on its extensive experience in civil liability, negligence, and premises liability law, SHK Law remains dedicated to pursuing justice and enhancing community safety. As a leading firm in the San Fernando Valley, SHK Law advocates for a thorough investigation into this incident and urges a comprehensive review of school security protocols to prevent future occurrences.

The latest updates indicate that while the injured teen is expected to recover, law enforcement is still actively pursuing leads in the ongoing investigation. No arrests have been made at this time, and authorities have yet to identify any suspects. In response to the incident, the community has begun discussing implementing increased security measures at school events.

SHK Law will continue to closely monitor developments in this case as more details emerge. The firm stands ready to provide legal guidance and support to those affected by this unfortunate event.

For more information or to consult with SHK Law, please visit

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AB 1909: New California Law Affects Cyclist Rights and Legal Claims

In 2024, California introduced Assembly Bill 1909 (AB 1909), a significant law designed to improve protections for cyclists on the road. At Savin Hennessey & Kim (SHK Law), we recognize the important implications this law has for personal injury and wrongful death claims involving cyclists, including those in  E-Scooters and E-Bike accidents. 

Understanding AB 1909: Improving Cyclist Safety

AB 1909 provides clarity to traffic regulations, particularly at intersections, by:

  1. Legally permitting cyclists to follow pedestrian signals at intersections
  2. Addressing the previous ambiguity that often left cyclists vulnerable in accident cases
  3. Increasing the responsibility of drivers to yield to cyclists

This change aligns the treatment of cyclists more closely with that of pedestrians, creating a safer environment and a stronger legal position for cyclists.

The Legal Impact: Changes to Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Claims

The introduction of AB 1909 significantly alters the legal landscape for cyclist-related cases:

1. Improved Legal Standing for Cyclists

Previously, cyclists following pedestrian signals could be partially or fully blamed for accidents. AB 1909 now clearly places liability on drivers who fail to yield, strengthening the legal position of injured cyclists seeking compensation.

2. Increased Potential for Compensation in Wrongful Death Cases

For families pursuing wrongful death claims, AB 1909 provides a more solid foundation for establishing driver liability. This can lead to higher compensation for damages such as:

  • Funeral expenses
  • Lost income
  • Emotional suffering

3. Evolving Legal Precedents

The legal community, including our team at SHK Law, recognizes AB 1909’s importance in shaping future cases. We’re actively working to ensure this law is properly applied to ensure cyclists receive fair treatment and just compensation.

SHK Law: Your Trusted Advocate in Cycling Accident Cases

As a cyclist, it’s important to be aware of your legal rights and options in case of an accident. With the passage of new legislation like AB 1909, the legal landscape for cyclist accident cases has become more complex. If you find yourself in an unfortunate situation, consider the following:

  1. Gather Evidence: Immediately after an accident, if possible, collect evidence at the scene. This includes photos of the accident site, your bike, and any injuries. Get contact information from witnesses. Under new laws, time-sensitive evidence like traffic signal data can be critical.
  2. Understand Your Rights: Familiarize yourself with local and state laws related to cycling, like AB 1909. These laws can significantly impact your case, whether it’s a personal injury claim or, in the worst case, a wrongful death claim for a loved one.
  3. Consult with a Lawyer: Look for a law firm with experience in handling cyclist accident cases. They can analyze your case in light of the new legal framework and advise you on the best course of action.
  4. Negotiate Effectively: Your legal team should have a clear understanding of how new laws affect your case. This allows them to negotiate with insurance companies and other parties from an informed position, likely leading to better settlements.
  5. Prepare for Trial: While many cases settle out of court, sometimes going to trial is necessary. Your law firm should be ready to argue your case in court, using all applicable laws to protect your rights as a cyclist.

Remember, as a cyclist, you have rights on the road. By being proactive in the event of an accident and working with experienced legal professionals, you can navigate the complexities of the legal system and seek the compensation you deserve.

Bicycles, E-Scooters and E-Bikes: Your Path to Justice

At SHK Law, we make your fight our own. With millions won for our clients, we combine tireless dedication, expert collaboration, and an unshakable commitment to justice to achieve the best possible results. Our trial-ready approach ensures we’re always prepared. By preparing for trial from day one, we negotiate from a position of strength, often leading to higher settlements for our clients. Our case results speak for themselves:

  • 50+ Combined Years of Experience
  • 99% Success Rate
  • Over $350 Million Secured for Our Clients
  • No Upfront Costs: Free Consultation, Contingency-based Fees

Want to Know if You Have a Case? 

Get a free case evaluation today. Our seasoned attorneys are committed to holding negligent parties accountable in accidents involving E-Scooters, Bikes, and E-Bikes. With strict legal deadlines in play, time is of the essence—don’t delay. 

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Wrongful Death Claims California: What You Need to Know

When tragedy strikes and you lose a loved one due to someone else’s negligence, understanding your legal rights is crucial. At Savin Hennessey & Kim (SHK), we’re here to guide you through the complex process of wrongful death claims in California. Here’s what you absolutely need to know:

The Basics of Wrongful Death Claims California

Wrongful death claims provide vital compensation to families who’ve lost loved ones due to another’s negligence or misconduct. In California, these claims can be filed by specific family members or estate representatives when a death results from someone’s negligent or intentional actions.

Who Can File?

  • Surviving spouses
  • Domestic partners
  • Children
  • In some cases, parents or other financial dependents

Time is of the Essence: Statute of Limitations

Don’t wait to take action. The statute of limitations for wrongful death claims in California is critical:

  • Generally, you have two years from the date of death to file a claim.
  • For medical malpractice cases, the timeline may extend based on when the cause of death was discovered.
  • Claims against government entities? You’ve got just six months.

Missing these deadlines can cost you your right to seek justice and compensation. Act fast.

Compensation for Wrongful Death: What You Can Recover

Wrongful death claims in California can provide compensation for various losses:

  1. Funeral and burial expenses
  2. Lost income and future financial support
  3. Loss of companionship and emotional support
  4. Pain and suffering of surviving family members

In cases of gross negligence, punitive damages may also be awarded to punish the wrongdoer and prevent future similar incidents.

Why You Need a Legal Powerhouse on Your Side

Navigating wrongful death claims in California is complex. Here’s why partnering with SHK is crucial:

  • We ensure your claim is filed correctly and on time.
  • Our team gathers and preserves critical evidence.
  • We handle tough negotiations with insurance companies.
  • If necessary, we’ll fight for you in court.

SHK’s Relentless Approach to Wrongful Death Claims

At SHK, we don’t just handle cases – we pursue justice with unwavering determination:

  1. We investigate thoroughly: Whether it’s deploying private investigators or enlisting accident reconstruction experts, we leave no stone
  2. We build strategic cases: Each wrongful death claim is unique, and we tailor our approach accordingly.
  3. We leverage our experience in negotiations: As trial nears, we hold the power to secure the best possible settlement.
  4. We fight for maximum compensation: While no amount can replace your loved one, we’ll use all our resources to win you the largest possible settlement.

Take Action Now: Your Path to Justice Starts Here

If you’re considering filing a wrongful death claim in California, don’t face this challenging process alone. At SHK
, we make your fight our own. With millions won for our clients, we combine tireless dedication, expert collaboration, and an unshakable commitment to justice to achieve the best possible results.

Our trial-ready approach ensures we’re always one step ahead. By preparing to go to trial from day one, we negotiate from a position of strength, often leading to much higher settlements for our clients. Our case results speak for themselves:

  • 50+ Combined Years of Experience
  • 99% Success Rate
  • Over $350 Million Secured for Our Clients
  • No Upfront Costs: Free Consultation, Contingency-based Fees

Want to Know if You Have a Case?

Call us at (818) 960-0011 or get a for a free case evaluation. We’re available 24/7 to start your journey toward justice today.

With strict legal deadlines in play, time is of the essence—don’t delay. Your path to justice begins with a single step. Remember, at SHK, we’re not just your attorneys – we’re your relentless pursuit of justice for your loved one.

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AB 645: California’s High-Tech Approach to Curbing Speeding and Saving Lives

At SHK Law, we diligently monitor legislative developments that could influence personal injury cases. Among these, Assembly Bill 645 (AB 645) in California captures our attention. This groundbreaking legislation introduces speed safety programs, including the use of automated speed enforcement cameras in high-risk areas.

By better understanding AB 645, we can better gauge its potential for saving lives by reducing speeding related accidents and injuries as well as its potential impact on personal injury cases.

Understanding Speed Safety Programs AB 645

AB 645 represents California’s commitment to leveraging technology for enhanced road safety. The bill authorizes the use of automated speed enforcement cameras, a key component of the state’s speed safety programs. These California speed cameras (set to be fully operational by 2024) mark a significant shift in traffic enforcement.

Key aspects of the Speed Safety Programs AB 645 include:

  1. Automated Enforcement: Deployment of speed cameras in high-risk areas to detect and document speeding violations.
  2. Data-Driven Approach: Focusing on locations with a history of speed-related accidents and fatalities.
  3. Deterrence Through Technology: Encouraging safer driving behaviors by increasing the likelihood of detection.

California Speed Cameras 2024: Impact on Road Safety

The introduction of speed cameras in is expected to have a positive impact on road safety in the following areas:

  • Reduced Speeding: Consistent enforcement leads to long-term behavioral changes.
  • Fewer Accidents: Lower speeds correlate directly with decreased accident rates and severity.
  • Lives Saved: A reduction in speed-related accidents means more families will be spared from tragedy.

AB 645 and Personal Injury Cases

As personal injury attorneys, we recognize the potential of Speed Safety Programs like AB 645 to influence how we approach and build cases:

  1. Speed Violation Data: The implementation of California speed cameras 2024 may provide additional resources for verifying speed-related violations in accident areas. This could be valuable in establishing or refuting claims about a driver’s speed at the time of an accident.
  2. Traffic Pattern Insights: Over time, the data collected through these programs could offer insights into traffic patterns and potentially highlight areas prone to speeding or accidents. This information might be useful in building a broader context for specific accident cases.
  3. Supporting Evidence: In some cases, the existence of speed enforcement cameras in an area might lend additional support to witness statements about speeding or reckless driving.
  4. Challenging Inconsistencies: The presence of speed safety programs in an area could provide an additional point of reference when examining the accuracy of accident reports.

While the specific accessibility of data from these programs is yet to be determined, their implementation represents a new factor to consider in personal injury cases related to speeding.

Potential Applications in Personal Injury Cases

The activation of AB 645 could be relevant in various types of cases we handle:

Q&A: Speeding-Related Motor Vehicle Accidents

Q: How does speeding affect the severity of injuries in a motor vehicle accident?

A: Speeding significantly increases both the risk of an accident and the severity of injuries. Higher speeds reduce reaction time and increase the force of impact, leading to more severe injuries such as traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord damage, and internal organ injuries.

Q: Can I still claim compensation if I was partially at fault for speeding?

A: Yes, under California’s comparative negligence law, you may still be eligible for compensation even if you were partly at fault. Your compensation would be reduced by your percentage of fault. Our experienced attorneys can help maximize your claim despite partial fault.

Q: How might AB 645 impact my accident case?

A: While the specific impact of AB 645 on individual cases remains to be seen, the presence of speed safety programs in an area could potentially provide additional context or supporting information for your case, especially if speeding was a factor in the accident.

Q: What should I do immediately after a speeding-related accident?

A: First, ensure your safety and seek medical attention. Then, if possible:

  1. Call the police to file a report
  2. Gather contact and insurance information from all involved parties
  3. Take photos of the accident scene and vehicle damage
  4. Get contact information from any witnesses
  5. Contact an attorney for immediate legal guidance

SHK Law’s Approach to Motor Vehicle Accident Cases

At SHK Law, we don’t just handle cases – we relentlessly pursue justice for our clients. Our hard-hitting strategy for motor vehicle accident cases is designed to maximize results and outmaneuver opponents at every turn. Our battle-tested approach includes:

  • Swift action to preserve evidence
  • Collaboration with top accident reconstruction experts
  • Comprehensive case building
  • Unwavering dedication to uncovering the truth
  • Strategic litigation preparation
  • Always trial-ready

This multifaceted, trial-ready approach ensures we’re always one step ahead in fighting for our clients’ rights and compensation. Our track record speaks for itself:

  • 50+ Combined Years of Experience
  • 99% Success Rate
  • Over $350 Million Secured for Our Clients
  • No Upfront Costs: Free Consultation, Contingency-based Fees

Want to Know If You Have a Case?

Get a free case evaluation today. Don’t let time slip away – strict legal deadlines apply to motor vehicle accident injury claims.

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AB 56: A Lifeline for Victims – California’s Expanded Compensation Law

In a landmark move to support crime victims, California has passed Assembly Bill 56 (AB 56), significantly expanding the state’s victim compensation program. At SHK Law, we’re committed to helping our clients understand and benefit from these crucial changes. Let’s explore how AB 56 could impact you or your loved ones.

Understanding AB 56: Enhanced Victim Compensation

AB 56 represents a major step forward in California’s commitment to supporting crime victims. This new law broadens the eligibility criteria and increases the scope of compensation available to those affected by criminal acts.

Key Changes Introduced by AB 56

  1. Expanded Eligibility: More victims now qualify for compensation, including those suffering from emotional and psychological injuries.
  2. Increased Financial Support: The law raises the maximum compensation amounts for various categories of expenses.
  3. Extended Time Limits: Victims now have more time to file claims, recognizing that the impact of crime can take time to manifest.
  4. Broader Coverage: The law now includes compensation for a wider range of expenses related to victimization.

How AB 56 Benefits Crime Victims in California

1. Comprehensive Support for Emotional Trauma

AB 56 acknowledges that the impact of crime extends beyond physical injuries. Victims can now receive compensation for mental health treatment and counseling services, addressing the often-overlooked emotional toll of criminal acts.

2. Financial Relief for a Wider Range of Expenses

The expanded compensation covers more than just medical bills. Victims can now seek reimbursement for:

  • Lost wages due to trauma-related inability to work
  • Relocation costs for safety reasons
  • Home security improvements
  • Crime scene cleanup

3. Increased Maximum Compensation Amounts

AB 56 raises the cap on various compensation categories, ensuring that victims receive more substantial financial support to aid in their recovery and rebuilding process.

4. Extended Filing Deadlines

Recognizing that trauma can delay a victim’s ability to seek help, AB 56 extends the time limits for filing compensation claims, ensuring more victims can access the support they need.

Why This Matters: Bridging Gaps in Victim Support

The enhancements brought by AB 56 address long-standing gaps in California’s victim support system. By providing more comprehensive aid, the law aims to:

  • Reduce the financial burden on crime victims and their families
  • Improve access to necessary mental health services
  • Enhance overall recovery and reintegration for victims

How SHK Law Can Help

At SHK Law, our experienced legal team of personal injury attorneys is committed to ensuring our clients receive all the support they’re entitled to under California law.

Take Action: Seek the Compensation You Deserve

If the aftermath of a crime in California continues to weigh on you and your family, remember that there is additional support available. AB 56’s expanded victim compensation program recognizes the ripple effects of these tragedies, offering financial assistance not only to direct victims but also to their loved ones who may be struggling with unforeseen expenses or the emotional toll of the experience. This support can be crucial in covering medical bills, therapy, lost wages, and other essential needs, allowing you to focus on healing and rebuilding. Don’t let the complexities of the legal system deter you from accessing the resources you need and deserve.

Contact SHK Law today for a free consultation.

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California Supreme Court Upholds Prop 22: Implications for Rideshare Drivers and Personal Injury Cases

On July 25, the California Supreme Court upheld Proposition 22, allowing companies like Uber, Lyft, and DoorDash to continue classifying their drivers as independent contractors rather than employees. This ruling in Hector Castellanos v. State of California was a significant victory for rideshare companies, maintaining their current business model. However, it also has important implications for personal injury cases involving rideshare drivers and passengers.

Key Points of the Ruling and Its Impact:

  1. Proposition 22 Upheld: The “Protect App-Based Drivers and Services Act” remains in effect, classifying app-based drivers as independent contractors.
  2. Legislative Challenges: The court noted a potential conflict between Prop 22’s requirement for a 7/8th legislative majority to make changes and the Legislature’s plenary power. This may lead to future legal battles if the Legislature attempts to pass conflicting provisions.
  3. Impact on Drivers: Rideshare drivers will continue to be classified as independent contractors, without access to traditional employee benefits such as overtime pay, sick leave, and workers’ compensation.
  4. Labor Group Reactions: Union leaders and labor-friendly lawmakers expressed disappointment but remain committed to securing better protections and conditions for gig workers.

Senate Labor Committee Chair Lola Smallwood-Cuevas stated, “While this decision is frustrating, it must also be motivating. I’m more determined than ever to ensure that all workers have the basic protections of workers compensation, paid sick leave, family leave, and disability insurance and the right to form a union.”

This ruling solidifies the independent contractor status of rideshare drivers in California, maintaining the current operational model of companies like Uber and Lyft for the foreseeable future. It also has significant implications for how personal injury cases involving rideshare drivers and passengers may be handled.

At SHK Law, we are a personal injury law firm that specializes in Uber, Lyft, and rideshare accident cases. We stay informed about new California legislation that could potentially impact our cases and affect our clients’ rights.

Impact on Personal Injury Cases

The upholding of Proposition 22 has several important implications for personal injury cases involving rideshare drivers and passengers:

  1. Lack of Workers’ Compensation: As independent contractors, drivers cannot claim workers’ compensation for injuries sustained while working. This may lead to more personal injury lawsuits against rideshare companies or other parties involved in accidents.
  2. Complex Insurance Coverage: Proposition 22 maintains the current insurance structure for rideshare companies, which can be complex. Coverage often depends on whether the driver was actively engaged in a ride at the time of the accident, potentially complicating liability claims.
  3. Liability Issues: The independent contractor status may affect how courts view the relationship between drivers and rideshare companies, potentially impacting liability determinations in accident cases.
  4. Potential for Future Changes: Given the ongoing legal challenges and legislative efforts, the landscape for personal injury cases involving rideshare drivers may continue to evolve.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you’ve been injured in a rideshare accident, you may have questions about your legal options. Here are some common concerns:

Q: What should I do immediately after a rideshare accident?

A: Seek medical attention, report the accident to the police and the rideshare company, gather evidence if possible, and contact an experienced attorney.

Q: Can I sue Uber or Lyft directly?

A: It depends on the circumstances. SHK Law can help determine the best course of action based on your specific case, considering the complex legal landscape surrounding rideshare companies.

Q: How are my rights as a passenger affected in a rideshare accident?

A: Passenger rights in rideshare accidents can be complex due to the unique nature of these services. Factors such as insurance coverage and liability can vary depending on the specific circumstances. SHK Law understands these complexities and can ensure your rights are protected.

Q: What types of compensation can I recover?

A: You may be entitled to economic damages (medical bills, lost wages) and non-economic damages (pain and suffering). SHK Law fights for maximum compensation across all categories, taking into account the unique aspects of rideshare accident cases.

How SHK Law Can Assist Your Rideshare Accident

At SHK Law, our thorough approach to rideshare accidents has produced case results securing millions of dollars in compensation for our clients. Our strategy combines swift action to preserve crucial evidence with expert collaboration, particularly with top accident reconstruction specialists.

We pride ourselves on building comprehensive cases, maintaining an unwavering commitment to uncovering the truth, and preparing strategically for litigation. Our understanding of the implications of recent legal developments allows us to navigate the complex legal landscape of rideshare accident cases effectively.

Our multifaceted approach ensures we’re always trial-ready and one step ahead in fighting for our clients’ rights and compensation. Our track record speaks for itself:

  • 50+ Combined Years of Experience
  • 99% Success Rate
  • Over $350 Million Secured for Our Clients
  • No Upfront Costs: Free Consultation, Contingency-based Fees

Want to Know if You Have a Case?

Get a free case evaluation today. Our experienced attorneys will fight to hold negligent rideshare companies and drivers accountable. Don’t let time slip away – strict legal deadlines apply to rideshare accident claims.

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